01. Total results for each kind of outcome and server mode, for previous 30 runs
02. NEW CRASHES/BUGCHECKS: tests that caused FB abnormal termination for LAST run (0 rows)
03. NEW FAILS: tests which failed for LAST run (4 rows)
04. NEW ERRORS: tests which raised runtime error for LAST run (0 rows)
04. STILL FAILS: tests which fail for at least TWO LAST runs (23 rows)
05. NEW SLOWDOWN: tests with performance problem for LAST 5 runs (4 rows)
[CURRENT] 06. STILL SLOWDOWN: tests with performance problem for MORE THAN 5 last runs (50 rows)
07. Has fails: tests with at least one fail for previous 30 runs (138 rows)
08. Has runtime errors: tests with at least one runtime error for previous 30 runs (1090 rows)
09. Has crashes/bugchecks: tests that caused FB abnormal termination for previous 30 runs (0 rows)
10. NEW PASSED: successful tests for last run and outcome = FAIL/ERROR/SKIPPED or absent previously (2 rows)
11. All tests: outcomes for previous 30 runs (3693 rows)
12. Skipped: tests which was intentionally excluded from execution (82 rows)

Generated UTC 17.01.2025 09:38
Tested: HQ50.   Build / date: / 2024.12.24;
Test machine: Windows 10 10.0.19045; logical CPUs: 8; RAM: 31 Gb 
QA software: Python: 3.11.2; pytest: 7.4.4; firebird.driver: 1.10.6; firebird.Qa: 0.19.3 
Jump to the list of unique test names from this report
Jump to the list with last developing commits information

Performance slowdown for more than 5 recent runs - moving medians

At least 2 recent moving medians (window = 5) greater than "normal" for at least 1.33x. No more than 50 rows are shown, pre-filtered in descending order of ratio between latest and "normal" medians:
NN Test name mode Test last update Moving medians chart
1 SS 2023.12.10 10:12
379 354 339 339 354 375 383 383 383 378 387 387 389 409 414 414 409 334 333 298 298 297 297 296 219 219
Numeric div in dialect 3 mangles data
2 CS 2024.12.03 09:08
18262 18043 17996 17996 17996 17665 2138 2031 2031 2036 2043 2036 2038 2038 2043 2045 2045 2045 2045 1912 1910 1910 1878 1848 X X
Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
3 SS 2024.12.03 09:08
17658 17658 17418 17635 17418 17289 1830 1761 1761 1752 1753 1761 1764 1764 1765 1790 1797 1797 1797 1750 1677 1667 1647 1647 1469 1469
Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
4 SS 2022.08.14 15:28
300 282 269 269 269 303 303 307 307 305 307 311 311 343 343 343 343 260 256 233 232 226 226 221 156 156
Support for time zones [CORE694]
5 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
380 336 333 333 333 371 371 373 373 373 377 380 386 405 413 413 413 326 313 308 300 300 298 298 219 219
substring(current_user from 4) fails
6 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
381 330 326 326 326 371 372 376 376 377 380 380 385 399 424 424 424 326 315 302 300 299 297 295 219 219
SUBSTRING with NULL offset or length don't return NULL
7 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
383 378 337 337 371 371 390 390 390 390 392 392 399 407 422 422 422 342 332 298 298 298 296 295 219 218
Make information available regading ODS Version and Dialect via SQL
8 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
387 356 343 343 356 372 374 374 382 379 376 377 379 379 410 410 410 328 307 304 304 304 304 294 219 219
POSITION(string_exp1, string_exp2 [, start])
9 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
384 344 337 337 344 372 373 382 390 390 390 390 390 390 424 424 424 334 314 313 312 311 297 294 219 219
SIMILAR TO character classes are incorrectly recognized
10 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
1025 1025 943 943 1025 1002 1033 1033 1033 1033 1036 1036 1065 1085 1122 1122 1122 1008 909 788 781 781 754 726 406 406
Nbackup as online dump
11 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
383 345 338 338 345 380 380 380 380 377 376 375 375 375 410 410 410 309 305 305 305 301 300 295 219 219
CREATE USER command: Invalid error message
12 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
379 325 321 321 325 363 375 379 382 387 382 382 403 404 408 408 408 311 297 297 295 295 295 295 219 219
Common table expression context could be used with parameters
13 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
303 303 233 233 307 307 307 315 307 303 303 303 303 308 345 345 345 272 240 229 229 224 224 222 157 157
Error "no current record for fetch operation" after ALTER VIEW
14 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
385 385 350 350 384 384 380 380 380 376 376 378 390 393 415 415 415 341 311 301 300 300 300 294 219 219
Wrong results (internal wrapping occured) for the multi-byte blob SUBSTRING function and its boundary arguments
15 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
365 365 313 313 371 371 371 377 376 376 377 380 381 388 404 404 404 327 318 299 298 296 291 282 203 203
GFIX returns an error after correctly shutting down a database
16 CS 2022.02.02 14:46
5379 5379 5324 5324 5405 5405 5405 5415 5415 5382 1798 1798 1798 1857 2184 2184 1928 2095 1928 1650 1498 1431 1431 1381 1359 1281
Database corruption after end of session : page xxx is of wrong type expected 4 found 7
17 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
5011 5004 4954 4954 5015 4982 5015 5044 5044 4982 1431 1431 1431 1433 1433 1433 1429 1329 1326 1292 1099 1023 1022 1008 860 860
Database corruption after end of session : page xxx is of wrong type expected 4 found 7
18 SS 2023.12.11 15:18
379 349 344 344 349 371 372 376 386 386 386 376 386 397 411 411 411 315 308 303 297 297 296 292 219 219
Original table name and column name and owner missing from SQLDA for aliased column in grouped query
19 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
384 362 327 327 362 373 373 381 395 381 375 380 380 380 421 421 421 322 314 312 312 300 298 297 219 219
Regression: Group by fails if subselect-column is involved
20 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
389 352 339 339 352 377 379 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 421 421 421 317 316 311 306 300 296 296 219 219
Parsing of recursive query returns error "Column does not belong to referenced table" for source that HAS such column
21 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
381 343 320 320 343 377 381 382 382 382 377 377 377 380 417 417 417 324 307 303 303 300 299 294 219 219
Expressions containing some built-in functions may be badly optimized
22 SS 2023.12.12 18:07
383 331 330 330 331 377 381 390 390 390 389 385 385 385 408 408 408 312 311 310 299 299 297 297 219 219
Change type of returning value of CHAR_LENGTH, BIT_LENGTH and OCTET_LENGTH of BLOBs to bigint
23 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
409 388 333 333 371 371 397 397 397 382 382 382 388 391 413 413 413 343 321 298 297 297 297 296 219 219
ISQL pads blob columns wrongly when the column alias has more than 17 characters
24 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
380 346 327 327 346 374 379 379 374 374 385 379 385 388 421 421 421 327 327 304 300 304 300 297 219 219
SIMILAR TO with quantifier {n,} in the pattern: 1) fails on 2.5 ("Invalid pattern"), 2) strange result in 3.0
25 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
281 241 237 237 241 280 281 281 281 281 276 276 278 285 321 321 321 320 307 232 232 209 206 198 141 141
Report the remote port number in MON$ATTACHMENTS
26 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
384 361 329 329 361 375 376 376 377 377 378 377 378 394 422 422 422 324 308 306 305 303 299 298 219 219
Regression: "Invalid usage of boolean expression" when use "BETWEEN" and "IS" operators
27 SS 2024.10.31 10:17
385 357 330 330 357 383 383 387 387 387 388 388 389 394 417 417 417 333 318 315 312 308 296 295 219 219
Attempt to create mapping with non-ascii user name which is encoded in SINGLE-BYTE codepage leads to '-Malformed string'
28 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
311 254 237 237 254 315 315 328 328 328 314 314 314 332 346 346 346 264 245 237 234 234 234 230 172 157
Bugcheck could happen when read-only database with non-zero linger is set to read-write mode
29 SS 2023.12.13 17:20
382 323 320 320 320 376 381 383 383 X 383 381 385 385 422 422 422 332 313 308 308 308 302 302 219 219
Wrong line and column information after IF statement
30 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
447 369 369 369 369 433 438 439 443 X 446 446 450 462 466 466 466 372 369 358 358 354 354 350 250 250
Some PSQL statements may lead to exceptions report wrong line/column
31 SS 2024.05.22 01:02
436 437 448 X X X X 437 437 X 437 437 437 440 467 467 467 365 365 356 365 356 356 348 250 X
Add details on compression and crypt status of connection (fb_info_conn_flags) to getInfo() API call [CORE5601]
32 SS 2022.08.18 10:51
320 320 320 324 324 324 324 328 333 X 333 328 333 333 359 364 364 359 284 281 266 266 240 239 172 172
MON$ATTACHMENTS.MON$TIMESTAMP is incorrect when DefaultTimeZone is configured with time zone different from the server's default
33 SS 2022.02.02 14:46
384 325 324 324 325 387 387 392 392 X 384 384 385 385 418 418 418 317 305 305 305 303 303 303 219 219
Incorrect releasing of user savepoint (older savepoints become inaccessible)
34 SS 2024.08.22 13:09
4752 4752 4752 4778 4778 4778 4778 4782 4782 X 4841 4854 4920 4854 4854 2540 2375 2275 2275 2272 2252 2242 2240 2225 2063 2047
Improve performance of CURRENT_TIME
35 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
389 337 329 329 337 381 388 388 389 X 389 392 399 399 389 X X 315 309 304 304 310 304 304 219 219
Test ability for DECFLOAT values to be represented as other data types using LEGACY keyword.
36 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
388 327 327 327 327 380 380 380 380 X 387 387 391 391 391 X X 311 311 303 303 303 298 297 219 219
37 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
383 330 320 320 330 369 376 378 378 X 378 392 396 392 392 X X 321 315 306 305 304 296 295 219 219
New Built-in Functions, Firebird 2.1 : BIN_SHR( <number>, <number> )
38 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
387 333 326 326 333 382 382 386 382 X 377 377 400 377 377 X X 313 313 310 310 306 304 293 219 219
CAST Numeric -> Numeric (Round up)
39 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
385 330 330 330 342 372 380 380 380 X 387 391 394 394 387 X X 361 320 313 309 303 301 295 219 219
40 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
390 327 326 326 327 377 378 380 380 X 498 498 427 427 422 X X 338 316 311 309 309 309 302 219 219
41 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
387 317 316 316 317 379 381 384 388 X 384 388 393 393 384 X X 327 312 310 301 300 300 298 219 219
42 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
390 314 313 313 313 381 383 385 385 X 392 394 394 394 392 X X 311 305 299 299 300 299 297 219 219
43 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
384 324 314 314 314 384 387 387 387 X 387 399 401 399 399 X X 302 302 302 302 302 297 294 219 219
44 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
387 331 330 330 331 376 377 379 379 X 390 390 392 392 390 X X 309 309 309 309 301 301 300 219 219
ACOS( <number> )
45 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
390 332 330 330 332 372 375 383 389 X 383 383 389 389 381 X X 312 307 307 307 304 302 299 219 219
MINVALUE( <value> [, <value> ... )
46 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
385 317 317 317 328 373 377 382 382 X 384 388 394 394 394 X X 314 310 300 300 300 300 299 219 219
47 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
382 325 325 325 325 391 394 394 394 X 388 388 388 388 388 X X 315 315 310 299 299 299 298 219 219
POWER( <number>, <number> )
48 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
386 330 323 323 330 378 392 392 392 X 390 390 390 378 375 X X 313 301 300 300 299 295 295 219 219
SQRT( <number> )
49 SS 2022.02.04 18:05
386 327 326 326 327 373 376 377 378 X 378 391 398 398 398 X X 320 310 307 307 302 300 294 219 219
TRUNC( <number> [, <number> ] )
50 SS 2022.05.17 12:50
281 226 220 220 226 283 284 284 283 X 283 283 283 283 276 X X 208 201 199 199 198 195 195 141 141
ALTER SESSION RESET: throw error (isc_ses_reset_err) if any open transaction exist in current connection

Elapsed time, milliseconds:

NN Test name mode Test last update
1 SS 2023.12.10 10:12 379 409 397 339 314 354 314 412 383 375 389 377 387 378 389 414 425 409 457 334 333 298 297 297 301 296 219 219 219 219
Numeric div in dialect 3 mangles data
2 CS 2024.12.03 09:08 18262 18637 18263 17778 17996 18043 17665 18146 1971 2031 2138 2001 2106 2036 2043 1985 2038 2125 2045 2152 1895 1910 2149 1912 1878 1848 X 1703 1750 X
Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
3 SS 2024.12.03 09:08 17811 17658 17305 17717 17418 17723 17289 17635 1830 1752 1730 1761 2093 1737 1753 1765 1764 1790 1797 1987 1823 1750 1641 1677 1667 1647 1469 1469 1469 1469
Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
4 SS 2022.08.14 15:28 303 336 300 282 269 260 253 331 308 303 302 307 311 305 311 343 344 343 372 260 256 225 232 233 221 226 156 156 156 157
Support for time zones [CORE694]
5 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 380 388 387 336 333 329 324 380 371 373 370 373 386 380 377 405 424 413 450 326 313 308 300 298 298 311 219 218 219 219
substring(current_user from 4) fails
6 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 386 385 381 330 326 315 311 379 371 372 391 376 385 377 380 399 424 453 449 315 326 300 302 297 295 299 219 219 219 219
SUBSTRING with NULL offset or length don't return NULL
7 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 390 383 378 337 447 321 319 371 401 390 393 375 377 399 392 407 425 422 439 332 342 298 298 295 296 304 218 218 219 218
Make information available regading ODS Version and Dialect via SQL
8 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 394 387 390 343 356 310 318 372 397 382 374 372 389 379 376 377 410 418 457 296 307 328 304 294 304 305 218 218 219 219
POSITION(string_exp1, string_exp2 [, start])
9 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 388 384 389 337 330 344 329 372 382 390 373 392 399 390 387 376 424 425 448 334 313 312 314 297 294 311 219 219 219 219
SIMILAR TO character classes are incorrectly recognized
10 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 871 1048 1103 801 1025 943 918 1081 1065 1002 1033 1026 1065 1036 1085 896 1122 1134 1140 909 1008 781 754 788 726 810 406 390 406 406
Nbackup as online dump
11 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 383 392 387 314 338 345 312 420 380 393 377 376 391 375 374 373 418 420 410 302 309 305 301 310 300 295 219 219 219 219
CREATE USER command: Invalid error message
12 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 396 379 382 313 325 321 317 375 363 390 387 379 382 403 374 404 414 419 408 297 311 297 294 295 295 312 219 219 218 219
Common table expression context could be used with parameters
13 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 305 304 303 226 233 310 231 322 307 301 315 323 303 302 302 308 362 363 345 272 240 229 229 224 224 222 157 156 156 172
Error "no current record for fetch operation" after ALTER VIEW
14 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 397 385 390 318 350 772 345 390 384 380 375 371 390 376 393 378 415 422 423 341 311 298 300 301 294 496 219 219 219 219
Wrong results (internal wrapping occured) for the multi-byte blob SUBSTRING function and its boundary arguments
15 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 377 377 365 302 313 455 313 379 371 360 377 380 376 376 381 388 422 404 410 318 327 296 299 282 298 291 203 203 203 203
GFIX returns an error after correctly shutting down a database
16 CS 2022.02.02 14:46 5430 5379 5394 5315 5324 5603 5310 5405 5415 5382 5877 6028 1798 1794 1779 2568 1857 2259 2184 1928 1650 2095 1431 1381 1498 1359 1438 1281 1266 1250
Database corruption after end of session : page xxx is of wrong type expected 4 found 7
17 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 5186 5004 5011 4954 5064 4923 4952 5015 5044 4982 5705 5683 1431 1429 1402 1594 1433 1438 1429 1326 1329 1292 1023 1099 1008 1022 860 859 859 860
Database corruption after end of session : page xxx is of wrong type expected 4 found 7
18 SS 2023.12.11 15:18 405 379 406 308 349 344 317 372 392 371 391 376 386 397 369 373 418 419 411 315 303 308 297 292 296 305 219 219 219 219
Original table name and column name and owner missing from SQLDA for aliased column in grouped query
19 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 402 384 390 315 362 327 314 373 395 404 372 381 428 373 375 380 432 447 421 304 322 314 312 298 297 300 219 219 218 219
Regression: Group by fails if subselect-column is involved
20 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 392 389 403 317 339 352 331 389 379 377 409 381 381 373 381 378 425 421 433 311 317 306 316 300 296 296 218 219 218 219
Parsing of recursive query returns error "Column does not belong to referenced table" for source that HAS such column
21 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 381 393 394 313 343 310 320 377 381 396 401 382 377 375 375 380 424 419 417 324 303 307 299 300 309 294 219 219 219 219
Expressions containing some built-in functions may be badly optimized
22 SS 2023.12.12 18:07 403 391 383 312 330 331 315 377 381 390 393 390 389 376 385 382 426 433 408 312 310 311 291 299 297 302 219 219 219 219
Change type of returning value of CHAR_LENGTH, BIT_LENGTH and OCTET_LENGTH of BLOBs to bigint
23 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 495 388 671 328 409 333 328 371 524 397 765 373 374 382 388 391 413 419 422 321 296 343 297 298 297 296 219 219 219 219
ISQL pads blob columns wrongly when the column alias has more than 17 characters
24 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 380 386 390 327 346 325 313 395 379 374 406 374 373 385 388 379 428 433 421 327 300 304 333 297 300 304 219 219 219 219
SIMILAR TO with quantifier {n,} in the pattern: 1) fails on 2.5 ("Invalid pattern"), 2) strange result in 3.0
25 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 281 295 281 220 237 241 223 280 313 281 301 274 276 285 276 278 349 344 321 307 232 320 209 198 341 206 141 140 140 141
Report the remote port number in MON$ATTACHMENTS
26 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 384 389 401 316 361 329 318 375 395 376 417 376 377 378 394 376 430 446 422 324 308 306 305 299 303 298 219 219 218 219
Regression: "Invalid usage of boolean expression" when use "BETWEEN" and "IS" operators
27 SS 2024.10.31 10:17 397 403 385 330 357 327 329 388 383 387 375 388 389 375 394 388 419 417 437 333 315 318 296 308 312 295 219 219 219 219
Attempt to create mapping with non-ascii user name which is encoded in SINGLE-BYTE codepage leads to '-Malformed string'
28 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 325 314 311 237 254 226 229 315 340 328 308 333 314 332 314 307 351 346 350 264 231 245 237 234 230 234 157 157 172 157
Bugcheck could happen when read-only database with non-zero linger is set to read-write mode
29 SS 2023.12.13 17:20 382 394 391 323 318 309 320 387 376 X 383 381 393 385 380 380 422 426 422 332 299 313 297 308 326 302 219 219 219 219
Wrong line and column information after IF statement
30 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 450 449 447 369 356 369 357 439 433 X 438 446 443 450 462 428 473 493 466 372 358 344 369 350 376 354 250 250 250 265
Some PSQL statements may lead to exceptions report wrong line/column
31 SS 2024.05.22 01:02 434 436 448 X X X X 434 533 X 437 462 430 437 440 430 473 473 467 348 365 354 368 356 398 348 250 250 250 X
Add details on compression and crypt status of connection (fb_info_conn_flags) to getInfo() API call [CORE5601]
32 SS 2022.08.18 10:51 323 320 320 258 482 389 269 324 320 X 377 328 366 333 318 322 365 359 364 437 253 284 281 240 266 239 157 172 172 172
MON$ATTACHMENTS.MON$TIMESTAMP is incorrect when DefaultTimeZone is configured with time zone different from the server's default
33 SS 2022.02.02 14:46 389 388 384 320 320 325 324 387 403 X 392 384 423 378 379 385 418 422 432 317 305 295 293 305 321 303 219 219 219 218
Incorrect releasing of user savepoint (older savepoints become inaccessible)
34 SS 2024.08.22 13:09 4787 4823 4752 4676 4745 5438 4778 4785 4778 X 4763 4782 4920 4841 4854 5252 4999 2375 2540 2275 2272 2242 2281 2225 2252 2240 2032 2032 2063 2047
Improve performance of CURRENT_TIME
35 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 392 391 389 329 323 337 323 388 388 X 381 392 389 399 389 X X 444 426 309 301 315 301 304 310 312 219 219 219 219
Test ability for DECFLOAT values to be represented as other data types using LEGACY keyword.
36 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 394 388 389 316 327 312 327 388 380 X 394 375 380 387 391 X X 417 433 296 303 311 313 298 303 297 218 219 219 234
37 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 383 385 387 320 311 330 311 386 378 X 369 376 396 378 392 X X 420 421 321 306 305 315 296 295 304 219 219 219 219
New Built-in Functions, Firebird 2.1 : BIN_SHR( <number>, <number> )
38 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 387 393 392 326 333 325 321 386 382 X 395 377 400 373 377 X X 420 422 298 313 313 310 304 293 306 218 219 219 219
CAST Numeric -> Numeric (Round up)
39 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 385 396 391 328 316 330 342 386 372 X 380 391 374 394 387 X X 415 425 361 320 313 303 309 295 301 219 219 219 234
40 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 397 397 390 326 321 327 315 382 378 X 377 498 380 507 505 X X 422 427 338 316 300 309 311 302 405 219 218 219 219
41 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 390 402 387 312 317 316 315 379 388 X 381 384 388 393 384 X X 420 423 327 312 295 310 300 301 298 219 219 218 219
42 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 392 392 390 314 313 312 312 390 381 X 383 400 385 394 392 X X 426 428 311 296 305 299 297 302 300 219 218 218 219
43 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 394 393 384 324 313 311 314 403 384 X 387 387 401 385 399 X X 428 423 300 300 302 308 315 294 297 218 219 219 218
44 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 387 390 387 329 314 331 330 385 376 X 377 379 390 392 390 X X 431 424 295 309 298 309 311 301 300 219 218 219 219
ACOS( <number> )
45 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 400 394 390 327 332 316 330 372 392 X 390 375 383 389 381 X X 419 419 301 307 312 302 313 299 304 219 219 219 219
MINVALUE( <value> [, <value> ... )
46 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 390 416 385 314 317 312 328 373 382 X 382 377 388 384 394 X X 426 418 294 314 300 310 299 300 315 219 219 219 219
47 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 399 398 382 325 312 308 325 391 394 X 396 395 378 379 388 X X 427 418 315 310 299 315 299 298 307 219 219 219 218
POWER( <number>, <number> )
48 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 386 391 388 314 330 312 323 378 392 X 396 393 390 378 375 X X 448 415 313 301 300 293 299 303 295 219 219 219 218
SQRT( <number> )
49 SS 2022.02.04 18:05 392 396 386 324 327 326 314 373 391 X 376 377 391 378 398 X X 446 427 298 310 320 300 307 294 302 218 219 219 219
TRUNC( <number> [, <number> ] )
50 SS 2022.05.17 12:50 285 282 281 220 216 226 218 298 284 X 283 296 283 283 276 X X 327 321 208 201 199 198 199 195 195 141 141 140 141
ALTER SESSION RESET: throw error (isc_ses_reset_err) if any open transaction exist in current connection

List of tests in this report:

=== end of list ===

Last commits information (all timestamps in UTC):