01. Total results for each kind of outcome and server mode, for previous 30 runs
02. NEW CRASHES/BUGCHECKS: tests that caused FB abnormal termination for LAST run (0 rows)
03. NEW FAILS: tests which failed for LAST run (0 rows)
04. NEW ERRORS: tests which raised runtime error for LAST run (0 rows)
04. STILL FAILS: tests which fail for at least TWO LAST runs (6 rows)
05. NEW SLOWDOWN: tests with performance problem for LAST 5 runs (0 rows)
06. STILL SLOWDOWN: tests with performance problem for MORE THAN 5 last runs (1 rows)
[CURRENT] 07. Has fails: tests with at least one fail for previous 30 runs (32 rows)
08. Has runtime errors: tests with at least one runtime error for previous 30 runs (0 rows)
09. Has crashes/bugchecks: tests that caused FB abnormal termination for previous 30 runs (0 rows)
10. NEW PASSED: successful tests for last run and outcome = FAIL/ERROR/SKIPPED or absent previously (2 rows)
11. All tests: outcomes for previous 30 runs (2628 rows)
12. Skipped: tests which was intentionally excluded from execution (73 rows)

Generated UTC 23.02.2025 02:23
Tested: FB60.   Build / date: / 2025.02.22;
Test machine: Windows 10 10.0.19045; logical CPUs: 8; RAM: 31 Gb 
QA software: Python: 3.11.2; pytest: 7.4.4; firebird.driver: 1.10.6; firebird.Qa: 0.19.3 
Jump to the list of unique test names from this report
Jump to the list with last developing commits information

Test with at least one result = "FAIL" for last 30 runs:

NN Test name mode
1 CS P P P P P P P P P F P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
2 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
3 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P F
Only one client can access a readonly database
4 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F P
Improve sorting performance when long VARCHARs are involved
5 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F P
Improve sorting performance when long VARCHARs are involved
6 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F
Add database owner to mon$database
7 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F
Add database owner to mon$database
8 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Database shutdown is reported as successfully completed before all active connections are in fact interrupted
9 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F F
Make user names behave according to SQL identifiers rules
10 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F F
Make user names behave according to SQL identifiers rules
11 CS F F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Real errors during connect to security database are hidden by Srp user manager. Errors should be logged no matter what AuthServer is used
12 SS F F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Real errors during connect to security database are hidden by Srp user manager. Errors should be logged no matter what AuthServer is used
13 CS F F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
A number of errors when database name is longer than 255 symbols
14 SS F F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
A number of errors when database name is longer than 255 symbols
15 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P
Wire compression causes freezes
16 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F F F F
Connection to server may hang when working with encrypted databases over non-TCP protocol
17 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F F F F
Connection to server may hang when working with encrypted databases over non-TCP protocol
18 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P
When the statement timeout is set, it causes the lock manager to delay reporting deadlocks until timeout is expired
19 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P
When the statement timeout is set, it causes the lock manager to delay reporting deadlocks until timeout is expired
20 SS P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Memory leak in GDS32.DLL(FBClient.DLL), when multi-database transaction has done
21 CS P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Add COMPILE trace events - ability to see execution plan of every PSQL statement.
22 SS P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Add COMPILE trace events - ability to see execution plan of every PSQL statement.
23 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F F F F F F F F
The partial index is not involved when filtering conditions through OR.
24 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F F F F F F F F
The partial index is not involved when filtering conditions through OR.
25 CS F F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Let optimizer automatically update empty index statistics for relatively small system tables
26 SS F F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Let optimizer automatically update empty index statistics for relatively small system tables
27 CS P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Error message "SQL -104 / Unexpected end of command" appears in a trace log when 'SET AUTOTERM ON;' is used
28 SS P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Error message "SQL -104 / Unexpected end of command" appears in a trace log when 'SET AUTOTERM ON;' is used
29 CS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F
Create database: non sysdba user
30 SS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P F F F
Create database: non sysdba user
31 CS P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Allow computable but non-invariant lists to be used for index lookup
32 SS P P P P P P P P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
Allow computable but non-invariant lists to be used for index lookup

Elapsed time, milliseconds:

NN Test name mode median_ms
1 CS 18027 17995 18038 17539 18123 18144 17567 17491 18260 17954 21772 18009 17907 17850 19316 17452 18186 19521 18016 19991 18383 17788 17610 18418 19942 17707 17879 18704 18763 17859 18131
Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
2 SS 17341 17099 17565 18010 18280 17710 17373 17127 17328 17352 17274 17342 17598 22015 17355 17170 17050 17177 17150 17077 17135 17446 17094 17649 17392 17041 17653 17341 17637 17183 17252
Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
3 CS 1543 1526 1528 1513 1541 1596 1543 1546 1543 1549 1540 1528 1643 1549 1527 1529 1526 1544 1533 2889 1539 1519 1500 1533 1713 1547 1548 1560 1618 1543 2870
Only one client can access a readonly database
4 CS 736 743 716 717 777 749 729 779 722 727 735 755 726 726 724 743 727 727 712 721 744 764 703 757 786 802 737 731 1131 1097 746
Improve sorting performance when long VARCHARs are involved
5 SS 461 465 452 459 458 474 510 464 465 456 458 452 458 462 451 465 476 468 459 458 471 457 469 493 453 459 453 468 851 851 461
Improve sorting performance when long VARCHARs are involved
6 CS 1291 1297 1276 1279 1271 1279 1280 1287 1313 1296 1327 1277 1270 1279 1331 1309 1315 1320 1332 1299 1269 1273 1250 1371 1402 1277 1350 1278 1373 1421 1239
Add database owner to mon$database
7 SS 809 821 790 791 828 806 800 811 804 817 1281 808 807 837 811 814 813 803 810 796 785 786 765 891 793 798 784 810 849 847 1043
Add database owner to mon$database
8 CS 11216 11209 11216 11274 11192 11215 11222 11216 11181 11205 11214 11210 11251 11214 11209 11248 11276 11589 11245 11182 11286 11217 11165 11294 11264 11205 11195 11253 11317 11420 11295
Database shutdown is reported as successfully completed before all active connections are in fact interrupted
9 CS 2359 2338 2353 2452 2308 2343 2316 2337 2350 2377 2443 2342 2367 2337 2436 2388 2473 2365 2327 2322 2337 2509 2297 2485 2344 2343 2384 2727 2381 2419 2380
Make user names behave according to SQL identifiers rules
10 SS 1375 1358 1348 1355 1481 1371 1349 1394 1414 1380 1362 1354 1382 1365 1369 1359 1370 1361 1331 1765 1364 1769 1484 1706 1758 1713 1368 1963 1648 1793 1531
Make user names behave according to SQL identifiers rules
11 CS 2015 2312 2314 1998 2031 1966 1983 2019 2118 1979 1988 1975 2375 1957 2582 2547 1991 1986 1957 2058 2070 2133 2098 2017 2524 1969 2014 1961 2068 1983 2009
Real errors during connect to security database are hidden by Srp user manager. Errors should be logged no matter what AuthServer is used
12 SS 1542 1866 1898 1541 1587 1519 1528 1535 1940 1527 1526 1626 1869 1521 1540 1547 1954 1541 1523 1530 1524 2001 2067 2223 1954 1534 1870 1543 1524 1983 1535
Real errors during connect to security database are hidden by Srp user manager. Errors should be logged no matter what AuthServer is used
13 CS 17479 1620 1617 17370 17414 17641 17471 17491 17482 17652 17530 17371 17468 17450 17345 17518 17621 17369 17498 17414 17411 17400 15781 17525 17648 17528 17476 17508 17576 17655 17495
A number of errors when database name is longer than 255 symbols
14 SS 13637 1368 1612 13456 13495 13626 13721 13648 13654 13785 13723 13584 13613 13655 13559 13547 13623 13795 13505 13575 13936 13462 12485 13841 13657 14520 13652 13619 13766 13706 13659
A number of errors when database name is longer than 255 symbols
15 SS 30477 29969 31030 30403 30477 30151 29901 31592 30744 29834 30413 30045 31249 30983 30733 30793 30561 31932 31101 30181 30120 31019 30375 31113 30214 31314 29953 30015 30478 30118 30541
Wire compression causes freezes
16 CS 1939 1961 1916 1954 1898 1943 1910 1911 1939 1958 1914 1913 1925 1903 1940 1953 1938 1943 1942 1941 1912 1896 1929 1968 1931 2327 2274 1954 2278 1957 1926
Connection to server may hang when working with encrypted databases over non-TCP protocol
17 SS 1603 1598 1619 1593 1598 1594 1590 1614 1603 1598 1597 1591 1601 1621 1608 1610 1607 1590 1602 1603 1597 1602 1577 1642 1609 2885 1925 1751 1879 1762 1621
Connection to server may hang when working with encrypted databases over non-TCP protocol
18 CS 21629 21633 21632 21700 21666 21626 21627 21603 21619 21632 21659 21617 21623 21620 21631 21631 21622 21694 21618 21690 21615 21605 21906 21651 21663 21609 21642 21623 21619 21765 21622
When the statement timeout is set, it causes the lock manager to delay reporting deadlocks until timeout is expired
19 SS 21426 21469 21410 21398 21422 21416 21412 21426 21400 21421 21426 21417 21433 21424 21419 21446 21418 21435 21439 21395 21443 21412 22375 21415 21435 21426 21446 21431 21443 21459 21443
When the statement timeout is set, it causes the lock manager to delay reporting deadlocks until timeout is expired
20 SS 8359 9315 9224 8699 8226 9652 8173 8183 8612 8010 9182 8015 9415 8478 8298 8422 9349 8057 8101 8027 9345 8769 7938 8313 8102 7944 8303 9417 8405 8169 9811
Memory leak in GDS32.DLL(FBClient.DLL), when multi-database transaction has done
21 CS 2975 2974 2966 2961 3329 2955 2992 2984 2988 2984 2954 2977 3353 2964 2971 2962 2983 2966 2953 3962 2965 2975 2957 2971 2961 2986 2976 2977 3233 3296 4256
Add COMPILE trace events - ability to see execution plan of every PSQL statement.
22 SS 2531 2544 2524 2523 2515 2763 2515 2544 2530 2530 2531 2536 2886 2652 2524 2543 2532 2542 2530 2523 2532 2526 2488 2616 2534 2523 2518 2534 2802 2546 2519
Add COMPILE trace events - ability to see execution plan of every PSQL statement.
23 CS 1148 1167 1164 1138 1133 1126 1140 1141 1153 1206 1212 1136 1154 1133 1140 1128 1154 1254 1134 1148 1164 1493 1141 1514 1544 1146 1180 1139 1147 1195 1149
The partial index is not involved when filtering conditions through OR.
24 SS 656 681 627 643 641 652 640 652 654 660 639 651 653 649 672 916 669 660 656 644 644 984 657 1371 983 1151 656 1001 892 902 663
The partial index is not involved when filtering conditions through OR.
25 CS 4801 4802 4751 4723 4694 4763 4717 4732 4801 4832 4838 4801 4864 4791 4728 4798 4819 4748 4809 4749 4869 4766 4876 4908 4816 4873 4934 4761 4864 4997 5169
Let optimizer automatically update empty index statistics for relatively small system tables
26 SS 3520 3566 3740 3506 3503 3522 3499 3658 3515 4320 3608 3589 3603 3515 3497 3523 3553 3507 3622 3620 3505 3512 3359 3634 3512 4246 3499 3486 3518 3498 3527
Let optimizer automatically update empty index statistics for relatively small system tables
27 CS 2705 2716 2720 2703 2684 2684 2702 2705 2744 2702 2706 2690 2711 2706 2710 2705 2699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Error message "SQL -104 / Unexpected end of command" appears in a trace log when 'SET AUTOTERM ON;' is used
28 SS 2526 2521 2543 2557 2517 2972 2530 2509 2536 2505 2538 2516 2516 2522 2518 2530 2535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Error message "SQL -104 / Unexpected end of command" appears in a trace log when 'SET AUTOTERM ON;' is used
29 CS 1211 1218 1203 1198 1197 1299 1242 1214 1212 1234 1258 1205 1236 1208 1208 1203 1241 1234 1246 1196 1199 1211 1203 1210 1211 1212 1234 1213 659 629 651
Create database: non sysdba user
30 SS 766 776 758 766 763 769 772 778 775 780 766 786 758 761 766 780 763 755 779 782 761 758 750 776 794 812 756 767 417 419 429
Create database: non sysdba user
31 CS 651 701 646 646 712 651 639 667 649 678 710 636 646 677 643 638 641 640 673 657 637 671 641 674 715 645 716 652 644 694 652
Allow computable but non-invariant lists to be used for index lookup
32 SS 426 457 426 420 424 422 433 417 440 416 423 421 441 418 426 418 440 453 421 426 431 419 422 431 472 462 420 428 482 427 420
Allow computable but non-invariant lists to be used for index lookup

List of tests in this report:

=== end of list ===

Last commits information (all timestamps in UTC):